Members in Christ Church

1 Cor. 12:27 "Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular."


The purpose of the church is to proclaim the principles of the Bible, as the Word of the Triune God, with the focus on the doctrine of Jesus Christ, as the Head of the church, as determined in the whole of the Holy Scripture, on all levels and amongst all people, according to His will, working towards the edification and extension of the body of Christ on earth and furthermore to convert every member, community and nation into true disciples of Jesus Christ, as well as strengthening the band of unity between believers from all Christian denominations. It is also the purpose of the church to promote a better understanding and collaboration between all people.

We are Pentecostal people that believe that people should be born again through true conversion, accompanied by confession of sins and restitution, and baptism, after conversion, by immersion. We consider baptism as a sacrament. Furthermore we also believe in the sacraments established by Jesus Christ, namely holy communion, washing of feet for the saints and the consecration of children. We believe in practical sanctification, together with the seeking of peace with all people, as far as possible. We believe in the gifts and working of the Holy Spirit, in the full power of God’s Spirit. We believe unequivocally in the virgin birth, suffering, crucifixion, death and resurrection after three days, of Jesus Christ. We also believe in His ascension to heaven and that He sits at the right hand of God the Father, as High Priest and Steward of our faith. Furthermore we believe in the physical returning of Jesus Christ, on the clouds of heaven, together with the snatching away of His church and children, both alive and passed away, towards an eternity in heaven, prepared for us by Christ Himself. We believe in an actual heaven, angels and Godly beings en also know that there is a devil, with fallen angels and demons, that will finally, together with those that reject Christ, after the judgement of God, be cast into the pool of fire, which is hell.