The current management of our Church, as one of its main goals and part of its vision for the future, has prioritized the training of pastors, as well as management councils. With training we refer to practical equipment to minister to today’s church, rather than academic qualifications and titles. However, the latter is just as important. Training requires a substantial financial commitment, which would be impossible for an already over committed Head Office and which would also not be possible for the local congregations. The purpose is to provide free training for all pastors, in order to equip them as effectively as possible, without any additional layout to the pastors’ couple. The following training aspects have enjoyed attention:

  1. The curriculum of the Church Seminary, have been completely upgraded to the extent that it is now acknowledged as a bridging course for university admission.
  2. The Seminar was accepted as a satellite campus of the North West University for the course BTh Practical Theology.
  3. A licence was obtained for the presentation of the International School of Ministry’s full course, for both South Africa and Australia.
  4. Three weeks of intensive Faith Home training for all prospective pastors’ couples have been implemented since 2010.
  5. Several practical, highly effective seminars and short courses were facilitated and presented to the pastors and their wives, since 2010.
  6. Management councils have been subjected to numerous courses in the different regions.


Some examples of other areas where Head Office, under the current management, takes a much greater responsibility than in the past, include the following:

  1. The establishment of a monthly goodwill amount, currently R 2 100.00 per month, to every pastor who retired from the full-time ministry from our Church, whether due to age or health reasons, that does not own property or is self-supporting.
  2. Retired pastors who do not have their own accommodation after retirement, will be accommodated, as far as possible, at very reasonable and subsidized rates at the Willie de Waal Complex in Pretoria, if they are willing to stay there.
  3. A monthly goodwill amount paid to the previous, retired Moderator.
  4. Every living retired pastor and his wife receives a small token of appreciation on his or her birthday.
  5. The subsidization of congregations where pastors, who live under the breadline, also do not have the privilege of a parsonage and therefore have to rent a house.
  6. The planting of new congregations, of which the latest Bloemhof and Thaba Patsoa were, in 2017. 24 new congregations have been planted since 2010.
  7. The National Conference venue at Helderberg has been upgraded in total, also as far as the accommodation is concerned. This entire project was driven by NASFO.
  8. The supporting of projects among all communities in the Church, to realize the establishment of worship places.


All the above goals would have been in vain without the enormous inputs of NASFO, as it required a substantial financial commitment. We are privileged to have exceptionally blessed business people as members in our Church today. These individuals, due to their daily exposure in various fields of the business world, are better equipped and able to generate finances than many pastors can ever be. In the words of some of these people, they may not be musicians or preachers, or might not even have the time to get involved in management councils at local congregations, but they would like to use their talents for the benefit of our Church, in the field where they are strongly developed, specifically the identification of business opportunities and the related generation of funds.


This brought us to the convening of the current Business Forum in May 2010. Tremendous goals have already been reached by this small group of formidable people, currently 22 couples and one single brother, supported by nine pastoral couples. Together with their investment, the Lord has also provided highly competent pastors and lecturers for the Church to realize the above-mentioned goals.


As already mentioned, this attempt has a direct effect on the growth of our Church and there has already been a positive growth in all areas, whether in members, finances or presentation at the local congregations.



Account name           : Lede in Christus Kerk Nasfo

Bank                                : ABSA Bank [Cheque account]

Branch code                : 632005

Account number      : 6-3040-1038


Nasfo Report 2018.pdf
Faith Offer Promise.pdf

NASFO Breakfast 10 February 2018