The members of the Missions Board, Pastors Naldo Ferreira, Arnold Venter and André Barwise (from Botswana), left Botswana on the 11th of June 2018 on a fact-finding mission to Mozambique. The reason - to ascertain what was happening with Members in Christ Church’s assemblies in Mozambique, as nobody was able to furnish us with any real information except for a couple of photos.

On the evening of 11 June, we slept in Harare and left early the next morning for Mozambique. We arrived that afternoon at Ugezi Tiger Lodge, where we stayed for the duration of our visit. Ugezi Lodge is in Tete and about 331 km from Doa, where the Moderator of Mozambique has his church. Doa is a small village in Mozambique, about 182 km from Tete, and most of the road to Doa is gravel.

Early Wednesday morning, 13 June, we left for Doa and after a gruelling 6½ hours we arrived at Doa where pastor Dausse and pastor Banda from Malawi were waiting for us.

At the church in Doa we were greeted by the people of the village with jubilation, dancing and singing. It was amazing! One can only wonder if they greeted us with such jubilance, how they will greet the King of Kings when He comes…

We had a church service with the people of Doa and there was about 120-150 people in the small church building, all eager to hear from God. Pastor Naldo ministered the Word unto them.

After the service we had a meeting with the executive council of Mozambique, as well as all the pastors.

They’ve requested an appointment certificate for Pastor Dausse as well as R 5 000 to register the church in Mozambique.

Most of the pastors in Mozambique have no formal Bible training and little knowledge about the Bible, our Church doctrine etc. There are currently 75 pastors with home cell churches as well as 10 churches in Mozambique. None of these pastors have Bibles and they’ve requested us to assist them in getting Bibles in both Chichewa and Portuguese languages. We’ve already contacted the Bible Society of South Africa which will be able to assist at R 170 per Bible.

The people of Mozambique are hungry for the Word of God, but they are the poorest of the poor. We are planning to hold a week-long training session in March 2019 with all the pastors. In the evenings we will each out to the community. We are also planning on taking clothing for the children as well as non-perishable food when we visit Doa.

On Friday the 15th of June, we left Mozambique and travelled back to Botswana. We returned on the 16th to South Africa.

What we found in Mozambique was much more than what we expected. We found a thriving church, desperately in need for help and support. The church needs o be registered and pastors need to be trained. Almost here on our doorstep, was a great harvest ready to be harvested!

We would like to thank our Moderator and the Board of Directors for the great support giving to the Missions Department.

Any donations (money, clothing or non-perishable food items) for our next outreach to Mozambique wl be highly appreciated. For more information, Pastor Arnold Venter can be contacted at telephone no. 064 890 8153 or 012 335 3524 (during office hours). He can also be reach by e-mail at


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